What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?
SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer, is a cyber-security protocol that digitally encrypts information sent from a browser to a server. SSL certificates are used to protect sensitive information like credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, email addresses, and more.
Nexus Technoware Solution Pvt.Ltd (NTSPL) has partnered with the top companies in the SSL certificate industry to provide you with the best options for website security. In addition to protecting you against security vulnerabilities, SSL certificates increase e-commerce conversion rates and maximize your customers’ trust.
What can we use SSL for?
- Securing online credit card transactions
- Protecting forms and login fields
- Securing email, corporate communications, and file sharing
- Securing information sent and received by mobile devices
- Securing file transfers over HTTPS, FTP, and cloud-based platforms
Why do I need SSL? Or what will an SSL certificate do for my website?
This is an important question for anyone involved in the web to understand. SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the world. It keeps the Internet from being ruled by thefts and criminals and provides many direct benefits to you and your customers.
Examples include:
- Online banking applications and web services where financial information is exchanged.
- E-commerce sites where credit card transactions and other payment transactions occur.
- Customer/User login pages where personal and confidential information is exchanged.
- Sign-up pages such as newsletters, alerts, mailing lists, and other online applications require users to provide and submit personal information.
- Webmail, such as Outlook Web Access (OWA), where users can log in and view their email securely.
- Any web page or application that needs to securely submit data to a server.
Uses of SSL:
Web browsers give visual cues, such as a lock icon or a green bar, to make sure visitors know when their connection is secured. This means that they will trust your website more when they see these cues and will be more likely to buy from you.
SSL is visible to users in several ways in the website address bar:
This is most important point to know a website is using SSL.
- The beginning of the URL or web address changes from http:// to https://
- The address bar will turn green and display the name of the website owner when connecting to a website protected by an Extended Validation SSL certificate.
How can it protect my Website and Email?
SSL – Secure Sockets Layer – is a protocol in the form of a certificate that can be installed with any hosted domain to improve the security of the website and email. In short, SSL is installed on the hosting server and encrypts communications. At a more advanced level, SSL certificates also include organizational validation and vetting, to encourage the highest level of confidence in your website’s visitors.