Nexus Technoware Solution Pvt.Ltd, Orissa’s leading & awarded IT Hosting Services Provider, is going to establish a hi-end datacenter in Bhubaneswar to provide advanced cloud computing services to customers.
In this context NTSPL has approached Industrial Development Center Orissa (IDCO) and Orissa Application Center (OCAC) to provide land at Bhubaneswar, through single window mechanism. NTSPL is planning to make the project functional by the year 2013. And it will be one of the largest Independent Enterprise Datacenter of the Orissa with 10,000Sqft Datacenter Space. And it will create employment opportunities for above 150 personnel, both technical & non technical within next 2years.
Due to high investment factors, small and mid-size businesses’ reluctance to invest significant capital and operating expenses in private datacenters is also driving the demand for outsourced datacenters and collocation. Rather than investing in the capital to build or expand an in-house datacenter to meet their IT needs, many companies are sharing datacenter space by co-locating with others in multi-tenant managed datacenters. All the criteria for secure and reliable data center facilities for services like disaster recovery, email hosting, datacenter collocation, virtual server hosting, managed services or infrastructure services are to be provided by us.
NTSPL has seen these same trends in Orissa. As companies need to cut back on IT capital intensive projects and reduce operating costs in their datacenters, collocation in multi-tenant datacenters can provide a solution that requires no capital investment, i.e. “Cap-Ex Free” IT, and can often reduce operating expenses by leveraging outsourced data center specialists.