Choosing a service provider from India to host your website may seem straightforward. All you have to do is compare at least two web hosting companies and choose the one that can provide the cheapest solution, right? Wrong. You need to look beyond the price and determine the benefits of working with a particular web hosting company. Be sure to know the following things about a prospective Indian web hosting company before you sign a contract with them:
- The types of hosting they offer – Identify and understand the types of web hosting solutions that they offer. These may include shared, managed dedicated, unmanaged dedicated, and collocated hosting. Some companies offer specialized services, like cloud site, ecommerce, unlimited, CMS, VPS, advanced cloud VPS, and WordPress hosting services, too. Be sure to discuss the benefits of every plan with them to make sure that you are getting one that is suitable for your needs and budget.
- The clients – Consider an Indian web hosting company that specializes in hosting the type of website that you have. Some hosts do not care about who is using their service, as long as they get paid. This means that they can host just about any website (i.e. porn sites and gambling portals). This could put your online selling and correspondence to a halt when the network becomes black-holed for spamming. Hence, be sure to choose a world class web hosting service that caters to your industry.
- Support – Find out how reliable the Indian web hosting company is in case the server is down or you need help with something. Make sure that you can easily get in touch with them by email, phone, or chat at any time, any day, and that their response rate is good.
- Security measures – It is important for the Indian web hosting company to be able to safeguard your online business by providing the latest internet security measures and SSL certificates.